Outreach subcommittees serve as the outstretched hand of an established NA community to isolated groups and addicts, particularly in large rural areas. By phone, by mail, and by car they make sure that no group and no addict has to go through it alone if at all possible. The subcommittee helps keep geographically isolated groups and addicts in touch with the mainstream of the NA Fellowship. The outreach subcommittee is not the only subcommittee concerned with reaching out to isolated addicts. Sometimes addicts are isolated by factors other than geography: social, economic, and cultural factors, for instance. PI, H&I, and phoneline subcommittees can help an area committee focus additional attention on the needs of addicts in our own communities who, for one reason or another, have not found NA accessible. Area service committees and their subcommittees need to do whatever they can to ensure that recovery is available to any addict who seeks it, “regardless of age, race, sexual identity, creed, religion, or lack of religion.” Area subcommittees engaging in community outreach activities may find help by contacting the World Service Office.